Thursday 14 February 2013

Life in Singapore during WWII.

The Black Markets was Looted of their goods, as the people in Sigapore were very poor. Those who looted the people working in the Blck Market, was severely punished. Bowing to the Japanese was also a thing we must do when we meet a japanese. If we did not bow or Did not Bow at the correct angle, we would be slapped and punished severely.

Life in Singapore during WWII.

People in Singapore, were threatened to be beheaded, if the people there spelt the emperor's name who was in charge of Japan or the newspapers titles wrongly. Some people in Singapore was taken tot build the "Death Railway". Those who went never did came back. The people who went there died after a few months of building.

Life in Singapore during WWII.

The People in Singapore had to go to work very early, working in the dark, working till the sunset, as th time in Singapore at that time was according to the Tokyo timing, and The People who ran the newspapers were Japanese officers, at a propaganda department.

Life in SIngapore during WWII.

The Life to live in As The Japanese overtook the newspaper stands. The Newspapers appeared under different names. At first it Was "The Shonan Times". Then, it changed o "The Syonan Shimbun". They were all in Japan anguage, which people didn't understand. The time in Singapore was in Tokyo time, two hours ahead of Singapore.

Life in SIngapore during WWII.

I was a lucky survivor of Sook Ching. I was identified as an Anti-Japanese person, and was brought to the beach. My friend was standing Beside me. He, Unfortunately died and he shielded me from the bullets. I fell into the sea first and he coverd me. The Japanese did not see me as my friend was a big sized guy, and he blocked me from the view of The Japanese. The Soldiesrs left after quite a long time. I could not count the number of minutes i was underwater, as i was struggling to stay underwater.

Life in Singapore during WWII.

Sook Ching at that time was also feared by many. Identified people were killed after Blindfolded with shotguns. The People there could hear Shooting sounds, "bang""bang"! The people then fell into the river. The Japanese soldiers would then walk up to the sea and start knifing all of them one by one to ensure they were dead.

Life in Singapore during WWII.

The Sook Ching was extremely dangerous. Those identified as Anti-Japanese needed to go up the truck. Those who were not, will get a stamp on a paper, saying "examined". Then they would be allowed to go home. Those Identified, Were sent to a beach, and were tied at the hands and legs. They were also blindfolded.